From the Desk of…
26 November 2010 | City | Post a comment
Now the whole world can see the chaos out of which my writing emerges, thanks to Kate Donnelly who has interviewed me for her fascinating website
26 November 2010 | City | Post a comment
Now the whole world can see the chaos out of which my writing emerges, thanks to Kate Donnelly who has interviewed me for her fascinating website
I’m the author of four books. The most recent is City: A Guidebook for the Urban Age. Before that I wrote a cultural history of science and superweapons called Doomsday Men, a biography of Einstein, and a study of science and literature. More
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Today, for the first time in history more than half the population of the planet live in cities. Two hundred years ago, just three per cent were city dwellers, but by 2050, 75 per cent will be urbanites. City is the ultimate guidebook for our urban age, taking the reader on a journey through the past, present and future of the world's cities. Illustrated throughout and with essays on everything from Ellis Island and Eco-cities, to Street Food and Tahrir Square, this is a fascinating celebration of our greatest creation – the city. More