PD Smith

Keeper of the Snails

17 July 2009 | Doomsday Men | Post a comment

Clare Dudman, author of Wegener's Jigsaw and 98 Reasons for Being, has written a wonderful piece on my book Doomsday Men for her blog, Keeper of the Snails. Here's an extract:

"I suppose the story of the Doomsday Men has been a constant background to my life. Most of the time I have successfully pushed it to the back of my mind because it seemed too frightening and too impossible to be true. But reading the Doomsday Men has forced me to confront it and understand. Recently the threat of weapons of mass destruction has been overshadowed by natural plagues, global warming and economic crisis, but it is still there. It can still happen."

You can read the rest here and also watch Peter Watkins's The War Game (1965) .

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